Become a Work
Ready Intern
Work Ready is addressing two issues: the labor shortage in child care and the employment rate among lower income citizens. The program will recruit TANF eligible individuals to participate in a paid internship in early childhood classrooms while concurrently enrolling in postsecondary academic coursework or training in early childhood education.
If you would like to become an intern, apply below:

​We look forward to working with our partners to ensure happy outcomes for
our families and children. Below are a few of the services Work Ready offers.​
Provide paid internships with high quality providers for up to 15 hours a week
Offer Educational training through Chattanooga State Technical Community College at our location
Provide holistic case management to meet familial need
Provider and Intern
View the attached document
to view qualifying requirements for providers and inters.
Referral Form
Scan the QR code, complete
the application electronically,
or send paper copies to
Get Connected
Contact Work Ready today!